Sleep As A Form Of self-Care And Anti-Aging Practice

Sleep As A Form Of self-Care And Anti-Aging Practice
Photo by bruce mars / Unsplash

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our daily routine, and yet it is often overlooked and undervalued. In today's fast-paced world, many of us sacrifice sleep in order to keep up with our busy schedules and responsibilities.

However, what we fail to realize is that bad sleep not only leaves us feeling tired and groggy, but it can also have a significant impact on our overall health and well-being.

In fact, bad sleep can make you feel years older than you really are.


The average adult needs about 7-9 hours of sleep each night to function optimally. However, with the rise of technology and the constant stimulation of our brain, many of us are not getting enough quality sleep.

We often find ourselves glued to our screens, scrolling through social media or binge-watching our favorite shows until the wee hours of the morning. Not to mention the stress and anxiety that many of us face on a daily basis, which can also disrupt our sleep patterns.

So how exactly does bad sleep make us feel years older than we actually are?

Firstly, lack of sleep can affect our physical appearance. We all know the feeling of waking up after a restless night – puffy eyes, dark circles, and dull skin. This is because when we sleep, our body goes into repair mode, rejuvenating our cells and promoting healthy skin. Without enough sleep, our skin is unable to restore itself, leading to premature aging and a tired, worn-out appearance.

In fact, a study conducted by the University of Michigan found that poor sleep quality was linked to increased signs of aging, such as fine lines, uneven pigmentation, and reduced skin elasticity.

Sleep Well, Live Well
Here is a short, simple podcast on Maximizing Your Potential with Quality Sleep

Moreover, bad sleep can also impact our cognitive function and memory. During sleep, our brain consolidates and stores information, allowing us to retain what we have learned throughout the day.


Without enough sleep, our memory and concentration can suffer, making it difficult to learn and retain new information. This can be particularly concerning for older adults, as lack of sleep can contribute to age-related cognitive decline and increase the risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.

Another way bad sleep can make us feel years older is through its effects on our mood and emotions. We have all experienced the irritability and crankiness that comes with a night of tossing and turning.

It's time to put the 20-20-20 rule into practice. Every 20 minutes, look away from the screen and focus on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
And now, just simply stretch to relax and loosen your shoulders and neck - The Forward Head Tilt, Side Head Tilt, Side Head Rotation, Shoulder Rolls.

Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to increased levels of stress hormones, which can affect our mood and emotional well-being. This can make us feel more anxious, depressed, and emotionally drained, leaving us feeling older than our years.
Furthermore, bad sleep can also contribute to a weakened immune system. When we sleep, our body produces cytokines, a type of protein that helps fight infection and inflammation.

Without enough sleep, our body's ability to produce these proteins is compromised, leaving us more vulnerable to illnesses and infections. This can have a significant impact on our overall health, making us feel older and more run-down than we actually are.

It is evident that bad sleep can have a multitude of negative effects on our physical and mental well-being, ultimately making us feel years older than we really are. Therefore, it is crucial that we prioritize and make an effort to improve our sleep habits. This can include establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and limiting screen time before bed.

By prioritizing our sleep, we can not only improve our overall health and well-being but also feel more youthful and energized. As the saying goes, 'Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.'

So let's make a conscious effort to get the quality sleep we need and deserve.
